Friday, January 8, 2016

How to compile C programming code of graphics.h in CodeBlock for Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 64bit and 32bit PC [TUTORIAL]

[C Programming]

[Step by step process]

Hello everyone,
    I am Ritwick, now I will guide you to compile source code of graphics.h and winbgim.h .

 graphic.h in Windows10

Installation of CodeBlocks :

 1. Install the 'codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup.exe'.(almost 90MB)

Copy-Paste Header and Library file :

    4. Download the RAR file from here.
    3. Exact all files from the RAR file.
    4. Open 'Extra' Folder .
    5. Copy the two files Graphic.h and Winbgim.h
    4. After successful install, Open Installed file location of CodeBlocks. Make a sure CodeBlocks is         closed totally.
        Default location :
                           for 64bit PC:  C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks

                           for 32bit PC:  C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks

    7. Open MinGW folder from Installed file location of CodeBlocks.
    8. Now paste the two files Graphic.h and Winbgim.h to 'Include' folder.
    9. Again go to 'Extra' folder and copy libbgi.a
    10. Paste libbgi.a to 'lib' folder.

Setup Linker :


    11. Now open CodeBlock.
    12. Open Settings => Compiler
    13. Then click to 'Linker settings'.
    14. Here you will see 2 box.
    15. copy+paste below words to 'Other linker option' (Right side box).
             -lbgi -lgdi32 -luser32

    16. And for left side (Link Libraries) : click to 'Add' and then click to '...'
    17. Find the libbgi.a file that you have already pasted before.
         Default location :
for 64bit PC:  C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW \lib
                             for 32bit PC:  C:\Program Files \CodeBlocks\MinGW \lib

    18. Now click to OK,OK.
    19. Congratulation, now your CodeBlocks is ready to complile graphics.h
    20. Open 'Test Graphics.cpp' to CodeBlocks and try to compile it.

                  Thank You. :)


  1. i want to make a program in C using graphics.h, is it possible to make a C program in Code Blocks ???

    1. Yes, Why not... this tutorial is for that... :)

    2. but remember it- even if you make C program, you need to give file extension as .cpp ......
